don’t want no short short man
I know a lot of chics who hate a dick pic.
I ain’t one of ’em.
okay, I’m not a fan of a random dick pic from a stranger. that shit is uncalled for and weird by any account; however, after we’ve made it thru the first official make or break phase of taking it from a dating app to text and there’s a mutual desire to actually meet due to chemistry, then lay it on me…
send me your dick pic.
none of them wide angle, filtered shots, either.
I want one at scale.
put a quarter next to it.
or better yet, a six inch hoagie.
then… and only then… will I decide you worthy of pursuance.
because, life’s too short for a short short man.
unless you’re into that… in which case, good for you.
Dicklaimer: if I have offended anyone by this short brain dropping, imagine being shortchanged unknowingly and feeling obliged to do the deed anyway because you really don’t wanna hurt anyone’s feelings.