I’m in Facebook Jail… again
you ain’t a true online misfit until you’ve been banned from posting on any specific social media site you find yourself on regularly, regularly.
case in point, me.
I average anywhere from two to five Facebook bans per year.
how is this possible, one may ask?
one, I spend entirely too much time on Facebook.
it’s embarrassing, really. I need to get a life. more of one, at least. Covid and being isolated hasn’t helped that aspect out, either. single and home alone I find myself repeatedly reaching for my phone.
two, I spend entirely too much time posting questionable memes, gifs, videos, and random thoughts.
I enjoy shock value. making people laugh. pushing boundaries. and, I respect others who do the same. life’s too short… and just because someone may find something “offensive” doesn’t mean they’re right. if we want to get down to the brass, anything can be deemed offensive to anyone at any point. shoutout to comedians Anthony Jeselnik, Dave Chappelle, Michele Wolf, Nikki Glaser, Louis C.K., Joe Rogan, Bill Burr, Ricky Gervais, Doug Stanhope, and Jim Jefferies for speaking their minds regardless of the public backlash they so often receive from people who can simply change the fucking channel.
on top of that, unlike a good amount of people I know, I don’t believe in cancel culture and sincerely believe in one’s right to speak and be heard. no matter how out of whack their thoughts/opinions/beliefs may be. even someone I completely disagree with should have their platform and not have to worry about being ostracized, lose their jobs and/or their livelihood.
I actually want to hear what that white supremacist asshole has to say.
because that way I know exactly who that person is and can steer way the fuck clear of them.
the last thing we want/need is for these creatures to go underground.
but that’s another tangent for another day.
three, the Facebook police have WAY too much time on their hands. no seriously… they really do. they’re banning peeps like me when they should be banning those countless fake scam ads clogging up our newsfeeds.
four, the Facebook police not only have too much time on their hands, but they’re downright invasive. diving into people’s actual private profiles looking for shit to flag, remove, and ban. even when the person they’re after has their posts set to private; i.e., folk like me.
why do you care?
you don’t.
I’m just venting here.
if you’re still reading this shit, that’s on you.
this particular ban is for a full month. and the icing on the cake? they never gave me a reason… they just wrote I didn’t follow Facebook’s guidelines. that’s it.
my ban is up on Nov 14.
just a few days from now.
have I been “rehabilitated?”
hah. as if. Imma still do what I do by posting what I want.
however, I consider the forced stop from Facebook a bit of a vacation from the daily onslaught of stress on the mind. not only have I found way more time for me to invest in things I actually enjoy doing offline, I pretty much steered clear from reading anyone’s posts, as well.
in doing so, the past few weeks has given me a lot of perspective regarding my disgusting addiction to a ridiculous social media platform.
remarkably, I feel better.
a lot better.
more upbeat. happier. less stressed. less worried. less bothered.
I go to actual news outlets like Reuters to catch up on my daily news as opposed to reading someone’s skewed points or opinions on what they believe the news is from their reality.
my mind feels sharper and less on edge. letting go of the things that may have initially bothered me upon reading no longer being an issue.
all that being said, I feel my actual Facebook addiction may have finally been broken.
will I still go on it once my ban is over?
will I post as much as I used to?
who’s to say?
but for the first time in my Facebook using life, I feel a sense of hope from abstaining the online dope.
then again, I may be back here in a few months writing another piece about Facebook when I’m banned once more…